quarta-feira, 13 de junho de 2012

Divulgação do museu/ Divulgation of the museum

Museu das Minas e do Metal is a brazilian museum located in Belo Horizonte. It makes part of the Circuito Cultural Praça da Liberdade, and it was inaugurated in march 22, in 2010. It is separate in two floors, and there are 18 rooms. On the first floor it is located the Museu das Minas, and on the second floor it is located the Museu do Metal.

Museu das Minas

This floor has 7 rooms:

Chão das Estrelas, that is composed by the collection Djalma Guimaraes, monoculars and telescopes.

- Mapa das Minas, where the visitor finds the mines through an interactive map indicating the location of those mines.

- Sala das Minas, tells the story of mineral extraction in Minas, the gold cycle to the microprocessor industry (iron, gold, diamond, niobium, zinc, colored stones, manganese, graphite, aluminum, lime and water)

- Sala Miragem, where holographic resources are used for acquis demonstration.

- Sala Meio Ambiente, shows the life cycle of a mine and consumption of minerals and natural resources.

Museu do Metal

- Tabela periódica, it has the demonstration of metal tubes that makes tangible the chemical elements.

- Sala Ligas e Compostos, it shows the combination of metals and the formation of alloys.

- Janelas para o mundo, this shows the use of the teal in different epoques.

- Língua afiada, shows the qualities of the metal, such as softness and shining.

- Estações interativas, shows the propieties and productive processes of the metal.

- Mesa dos Átomos, is an interactive game that allows us handling elements of the periodic schedule.

- Vil Metal, which enables the comparison of the tangible value of the metals with other products.

Logística, it is the transport from the extraction to the steel companies.

- Adorno Corpo, where the visitor uses virtual jewelry.

- Vale Quanto Pesa, where is made an estimate of the presence of minerals in each guest.

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